nRF52840 L 5, Thread, Zigee modules: T840, each at 1 pcs; T840F, 2300 meter range at 125 Kps. x nRF52840 L 5, Thread, Zigee modules: T840, each at 1 pcs; T840F, 2300 meter range at 125 Kps. x IGN IN HOM COMPANY TOHIA NORDIC OPNOURC PHON UY ACK TO UY EV-BT832XE, Evaluation board for BT832XE, the longest range Bluetooth 5 module T832X evaluation oards. 2-pack, one with Master firmware and one with lave firmware for luetooth range measurement. Includes 2 ANT060 antenna with u.FL to MA adapter cale. V-T832X in distriutor stock is single and with lave firmware. You have to u antenna ANT060 separatel. V T832X V3 has the same footprint as that of Arduino UNO R3. It is not a compatile oard. Nordic development environment can e used to develop codes for man UNO R3 shields. Quantit: 1 PURCHA hare hare FANTL CORP, 7466 MONT CRITO AV, COTTDAL, AZ, 85260 14809484928 INFO@FANTL.COM